24 August 2022


Birthday's are always a special time of the year. A time to celebrate, a special day that's all about you - which as a Leo, is right up my alley.

No, but seriously. Along with all the celebrations, the good times and memories, it's also a time for reflections. I'm naturally an extremely sentimental and nostalgic person, and every year I get to look back on my life, what I've done, the experiences I've had, changes I've made, lessons I've learned, and what is and isn't important to me, as well as looking towards my future and what's in store for me!

So for my first post in a while, I figured I'd share some of those personal reflections, lessons and experiences that have been on my mind this time around. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to relate, or some may get you thinking of your own experiences!

Your physical and mental health should always be your top priority.
Seriously, if you take anything from this post, this is it. Nothing is more important than looking after yourself. Put yourself first, take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise, take note of any issues you're having and get them checked out ASAP. Don't stay in toxic situations or push yourself beyond your limits. Do whatever you need to do to be healthy and happy!

Celebrate your successes.
Whether it's something big, like graduating from uni or getting your dream job, or something as simple as waking up in a good mood or cleaning your room - you've achieved something and that's amazing, celebrate it and be proud of yourself!

There is no 'correct timeline' for your life, everyone does things at their own pace and that's completely okay.
This one has been a big one for me personally. I started (and finished) my degree several years after leaving school, I moved out of home a little older than a lot of my friends did, I took a while to come out of my shell and have the confidence and experiences people younger than me have had, I've got friends with kids or settling down while I'm still single 26 years and counting, etc etc. But honestly? Who cares. I'm doing my life in my own time, and my path is different to yours and to everyone else's, and it's honestly for the better. I used to worry so much about these things, but looking back I don't think I'd be the person I am today or know what I want if I'd have tried to adhere to other's expectations or what everyone else around me was doing.

Stop worrying about what others think of you, yours is the only opinion that matters.
Read it again, and keep repeating it to yourself until it's second nature to you. It's your life, live it how you want and don't let anybody else dictate how you think, feel and act. Dress how you want, do what you want, eat what you want, and be the person you want to be!

You'll gain and lose friends and relationships.
Some People come into your life at different times, in different ways, and for so many different reasons. The good, the bad and the ugly - it's all a part of life. People will show you what you do and don't want in a relationship (romantic or otherwise), you'll be hurt, you'll hurt others, you'll be loved and you'll love others. You'll experience betrayal, loyalty, loss, fun, danger, excitement, and so much more. Some people will be there for a short time, they'll be a lesson or experience that helps you grow as a person. And some will be there for the long haul. You'll find your people - you've likely already found some of them! It's all a part of your life's journey!

It's okay not to be okay.
Everybody has bad days. Everybody gets down, has personal struggles, worries, and more. Life can suck, straight up. And it's completely okay to feel those emotions and have those down days. Hell, it's normal, I'd be worried if you didn't! Just remember that you're not alone and there's nothing wrong with you - and you'll get through the hard times and come out stronger on the other end!

Be true to yourself.
Never change yourself to fit in or for someone else, don't feel pressured to please others at your own cost, and stand up for yourself, your opinions and what you believe in and want. Be yourself, use your voice, stand up for what you believe in, and feel good about it!

xx Chontelle Louise

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