Dying My Hair Pink At Home | Adore 'Pink Rose' Review

28 June 2019

I've wanted to have pink hair for the longest time, but no matter how much I've talked about it and researched dye's I never actually did it. I was always kind of nervous about having unnatural coloured hair - I didn't want it to turn out bad or ruin my hair. However for ages now I've been sick of my balayage and wanted a change. Around this time last year I went brunette again to cover up old balayage, and as usual it was too dark for me (my hair is naturally a light mousey brown nowadays and I was blonde as a kid so I've always suited medium to light hair best).

I didn't want to make the same mistake this time around, and I'm wanting to grow out my natural hair colour for the first time in probably 10 years. So I figured while I've got the blonde and I'm not in any job that restricts hair to natural colours, now was the time to go pink - and I'm so glad I did because I absolutely love it!

This was my first time putting a bright/unnatural colour in my hair, so on my first attempt I actually used Adore Petal Pink, which is more of a light pink/almost pastel pink colour. It did take to my hair but wasn't very noticeable or what I was going for, so I decided to take the plunge and go for a deeper and more vibrant pink - Adore Pink Rose.

First attempt with 'Adore Petal Pink'.

Adore was recommended to me by the girl working at Price Attack when I went in originally to buy a Manic Panic dye. I hadn't researched it before but I figured I'd give it a go, especially as it was $10 cheaper than Manic Panic at $16.95. 

The dye process was super easy and straight-forward, I just had to give the bottle a shake and then squeeze it into my hands and apply it directly to my hair - the hairdresser recommended applying it to recently washed and dry hair so I followed her instructions. I had some plastic gloves already from past box dye kits which I wore during application. I left it on for about an hour, which is longer than what the bottle says but I wanted to make sure the colour really took - and it did!

It came out as a super vibrant somewhat purple-toned pink or fuchsia kinda colour, and I love it! I wash my hair every 2 or 3 days, and it looks good for the first 2 washes before fading - however when re-applying more dye I found that I actually used way more than necessary initially (half the bottle nearly), as on my length to cover my balayage I only really needed maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the bottle. So, that means that with at least 3 applications - once weekly if you don't want the fade - one bottle of this stuff can last me three weeks. That's pretty decent for a temporary fun colour, although I'm still gonna look into brands like Manic Panic and Brite which I've heard last longer as I'm loving having coloured hair!

Let me know if you've tried Adore's dye before, and what you think of this colour!

x Chontelle

Guess who's back... back again.

21 June 2019

So... it's been a bit over a year since the last time I posted on this blog. I actually can't believe it's been this long. I'll be honest, I kinda lost my motivation for a while there. I was still uploading videos over on Youtube semi-regularly last year but it felt like a chore for me and so for the last 6 months I've pretty much done nothing with blogging/vlogging. Not that I haven't wanted to - I've had blog and video ideas, I've started putting together content etc only to lose motivation quickly and never end up actually doing anything.

In all honesty, I've been struggling a lot with my mental health lately. My anxiety has gotten a lot worse - despite the fact that I've been pushing myself to get out and have a social life again (and have made some amazing, supportive friends in the process). I've felt pretty down as well and have just been getting stuck in my own head which is not what I should be doing at all. However I have been slowly working on myself, trying to be more comfortable in myself, not being so worried about others and just focusing on what's important to me.

Which brings me to this blog - I've always had some kind of a creative outlet to keep myself occupied and I've really missed having that, so I'm pretty keen to get back into posting on here and also on my Youtube channel. I think I'm probably more interested in blogging than continuing with videos, but I'd still love to upload travel vlogs and other stuff if I really find it interesting - hauls and grwm's honestly just don't interest me anymore and if I'm gonna be doing something I need to actually want to do it, y'know? But yeah, anyway. I don't have a schedule planned, I just want to start posting and get back into the swing of things at the moment, but I'm hoping to post pretty regularly! Content wise, of course I'm still gonna be posting about makeup and fashion but I also want to post more music, life and mental health related content, so hopefully that's something you'll enjoy!

So to those of you who are still here (no idea why but thankyou!) and those of you who have just stumbled upon this seemingly abandoned blog - thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy what's to come!

xx Chontelle
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